Hundreds of thousands of animals impacted while shelters struggle to cope with the statewide veterinary shortage.

Recently, the SF SPCA received a grant to conduct a survey* to assess access to veterinary care in California animal shelters. Along with a small working group, we developed and sent the survey to all 237 shelter members of Cal Animals, our state shelter association.

The results are in, and unfortunately, our findings are even more alarming than anticipated.

Over 344,000 California shelter animals do not have adequate access to veterinary care staff. Veterinarian shortages are profoundly impacting California’s most vulnerable animals. Shelters are becoming overcrowded, illness is rising, and adoptable animals are being euthanized.

Read more about how California animals are impacted here>

*The survey was conducted by the SF SPCA in partnership with the UC-Davis Koret Shelter Medicine Program, CalAnimals, University of Tennessee Pet Health Equity Program, Humane Society of Silicon Valley, and San Diego Humane Society. It was made possible through a California for All Animals grant from the UC-Davis Koret Shelter Medicine Program.

Map of California Veterinary Shortage Survey Results

How are animals being impacted?

25% of shelters cannot consistently provide basic and essential care to shelter animals.

40% of shelters are unable to consistently spay/neuter the animals in their care, which is legally required for them to be eligible for adoption in California, and can lead to lengthier shelter stays.

Of the shelters that have budgeted positions for veterinarians and veterinary nurses, 50% of those positions remain vacant due to a lack of candidates.

78% of shelters cannot consistently provide community care programs for owned animals, which can often lead to more animals surrendered to shelters.

Animals Need Your Help

Contact your local animal shelter to learn about adopting, supporting, and volunteering.

SF SPCA volunteer playing with shelter dog