Building a Future of Access to Veterinary Care

We have exciting news that has the potential to positively impact animals and their guardians across California. Part of the San Francisco SPCA’s Vision 2030 is to ensure that all […]

Legislative Win on Prescription Extension Waivers

Prescription refills associated with a veterinary-client-patient-relationship (“VCPR”) are normally valid for only twelve months after an animal patient is last seen in-person by a veterinarian.  As veterinarians offer fewer appointments […]

CA Telemedicine Victory as DCA Waives Restrictions

June 4, 2020 – CA Telemedicine Victory as DCA Waives Restrictions –  California veterinarians now have another tool available to them to help keep pets and people healthy. In response to […]

Governor Clarifies Animal Shelter Workers as Essential

March 22, 2020 – Governor Clarifies Animal Shelter Workers as Essential –  Governor Gavin Newsom updated his shelter-in-place order to clarify that workers in animal care facilities – including animal shelters – […]

Keeping Families Together During Emergencies

October 9, 2019 – Keeping Families Together During Emergencies –  The San Francisco SPCA is thrilled to report that it will now be easier for Californians to evacuate from disasters with […]