No Backyard Dogs
Say no to backyard dogs. Dogs belong in the family home! What a Backyard Is Not For The backyard is NOT a living place for family dogs. People sometimes mistakenly […]
Name Recognition and Attention
Benefit Just like you would turn to look when someone says your name, dogs can learn to do the same. If your dog learns to pay attention to you when […]
Dog Nutrition
Dogs are meat-eaters by nature. However, they metabolize carbohydrates efficiently and can synthesize some required nutrients from eating plant matter. Dog food should contain a combination of ten essential amino […]
Nuisance Behaviors (Dogs)
What Are Nuisance Behaviors Nuisance behaviors are the things dogs do that drive us crazy: Raiding the garbage can Stealing things and running off Jumping up on people Charging through […]
Quiet Command
Benefit Dogs bark for a number of reasons: people walking by, other dogs, boredom, frustration, and loneliness, for example. Some types of barking can be redirected and controlled with the […]
Ready to Adopt Dog
Life with a dog comes with many benefits, but also involves many responsibilities. It’s important to carefully think through the decision to adopt, because owning a dog is a commitment […]
Repetitive Behavior
What It Is Repetitive behavior— or the clinical name “stereotypic behavior”—is a normal behavior performed in a repetitive and compulsive manner. We don’t know if dogs obsess the way humans […]
Successful Dog Park Outings
Off-leash exploration and play are generally great ways to enrich your dog’s life when done safely and responsibly. To ensure a good time for all involved, you will want to […]
Submissive and Excitement Urination
What Is Submissive Urination Submissive urination is a fear-related appeasement behavior that happens when a dog feels threatened—regardless of whether or not the threat is real or only exists in […]
Basket Muzzle
Benefit Sometimes it is beneficial for your dog to wear a basket muzzle. The muzzle will keep you and others safe. When your dog is properly introduced to the muzzle, […]
Touch Command
Benefit Teaching your dog the touch/target command means you can distract them from things you don’t want them to focus on and get their attention in situations that could be […]
What Is Urine Marking Marking is when a dog lifts their leg and sprays a small amount of urine onto a vertical surface. It’s a form of canine communication—not something […]